Sexual Harassment

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The Botswana legal system is silent on the issue of sexual harassment. 

The University of Botswana is one of the few organisations that have a policy on sexual harassment. The policy defines sexual harassment as: any unwanted, unsolicited, and/or repeated sexually discriminatory remarks made which are offensive and objectionable to the recipient, or which cause the recipient discomfort and humiliation, or which the recipient believes interfere with the performance of his or her job or study, undermine job security or prospects, or create a threatening or intimidating work or study environment. 

Sexual harassment continues to be shrouded in secrecy in Botswana, and the absence of legislation contributes to the reluctance of victims to report it.

The United Nations Development Fund for Women defines sexual harassment as "unwelcome or unwanted verbal, non-verbal, physical or visual conduct based on sex or of a sexual nature; the acceptance or rejection of which affects an individual's employment."
